Hyundai Accent Manuals

Hyundai Accent: Function - Body Control Module (BCM). Description and Operation - BCM (Body Control Module) - Body Electrical SystemHyundai Accent: Function

Door Lock / Unlock Control
Control the following function as Door Lock/Unlock Control by Relay control.
IGN Key reminder
Crash Door Unlock
Central Door Lock/Unlock
Auto Door Lock
Auto Door Unlock
Date flow
Door Lock/Unlock Control
L_Driver door unlock switch
L_Assistant door unlock switch
L_Power window Lock switch
L_Power window Unlock switch
TX Lock
TX Unlock
L_KeyIn switch
L_Driver door switch
L_Assistant door switch
F_Speed sensor

Overview Description
During Door Lock/Unlock output, if there is the same output command, ignore the input.
However, Crash Door Unlock is valid.
During Door Lock/Unlock output, if there is conflicted output command, off the current output at once and after 100msec delay, perform the inputted output.
However, during 100msec delay, if there is output command, perform the last output command Inputted.
If Lock output and Unlock output is triggered at the same time, perform Lock output and ignore Unlock output.
During all door actuator unlock switch is Lock, if there is Lock request, do output.
During all door actuator unlock switch is Unlock, if there is Unlock request, do output.
Central Door Lock / Unlock by Door Lock Switch

If there is Crash Door Unlock Input, regardless the operation state and perform Crash Door Unlock.
L_DRVDRUnlockSW on→off ||
L_PwdwLockSW off→on
O_DRLockRly on for 0.5sec
L_DRVDRUnlockSW off→on ||
L_PwdwUnlockSW off→on
O_DRUnlockRly on for 0.5sec

No Output for Lock/Unlock by Rear seat’s Safety Knob[=L_RRDR(TailGate)UnlockSW] and Assist Seat's Safety Knob[=L_ASTDRUnlockSW].
Central Door Lock/Unlock by Transmitter or FOB of Passive switch
TX Lock ||
(Key In=off) &
All Door Close
If All Door Lock is checked after
O_DRLockRly=on for 0.5sec then
O_HazardRly=on for 1.0sec one time
If All Door Lock is not checked after
O_DRLockRly=on for 0.5sec then
No output of O_HazardRly
Any Door Unlock ->
All Door Lock
O_HazardRly=on for 1.0sec one time
TX Lock ||
Key In=off &
Any Door Open
O_DRLockRly=On for 0.5sec
No O_HazardRly=On
Any Door Open→
All Door Close
All Door Lock by
(TX Lock)
but Any Door Open
O_HazardRly on for 1.0sec
Any Door Open →
All Door Close
All Door Lock by
(TX Lock)
but Any Door Open &
Any Door Act. State change
No O_HazardRly on for 1.0sec

TX Unlock
Key In=off &
Any Door Open
O_DRUnlockRly=on for 0.5sec &
O_HazardRly on for 0.5sec twice
TX Unlock
Key In=off &
All Door Close
O_DRUnlockRly=on for 0.5sec &
O_HazardRly on for 0.5sec twice &
Start 30sec Timer
Key In=on
In 30sec timer
Stop 30sec Timer
All Door Close →
Any Door Open
In 30sec timer
Stop 30sec Timer
TX Unlock
In 30sec timer
O_DRUnlockRly=on for 0.5sec &
O_HazardRly on for 0.5sec twice &
Restart 30sec Timer
30sec elapsed
In 30sec timer
O_DRLockRly=on for 0.5sec &
O_HazardRly=on for 1.0sec one time

Key In
On : L_KeyInSW On || A_IGN1 On || A_IGN2 On (Non-SMK)
Off : L_KeyInSW Off & A_IGN1 Off & A_IGN2 Off (Non-SMK)
All Door Close :
L_DRVDRSW=off & L_ASTDRSW=off & L_RLDRSW=off & L_RRDRSW=off & L_TrunkOpenSW(or L_TailGateSW)=off
Any Door Open :
L_DRVDRSW=on || L_ASTDRSW=on || L_RLDRSW=off || L_RRDRSW=off ||
L_TrunkOpenSW(or L_TailGateSW)=off
All Door Lock :
L_DRVDRUnlockSW=off & L_ASTDRUnlockSW=off & L_RR(&TailGate)UnlockSW=off
IGN Key Reminder
This function dose not operate if the vehicle speed is more than 3km/h.
If the state becomes Key In1 =on & L_DRVDRSW=open & L_DRVDRUnlockSW=lock, After 0.5sec perform output of O_DRUnlockRly for 1sec.
If the state becomes Key In1 =on & L_ASTDRSW=open & L_ASTDRUnlockSW=lock, After 0.5sec perform output of O_DRUnlockRly for 1sec.
Even if outputting Unlock for 1sec by 2) and 3), and if keeping Lock state, perform output of O_DRUnlockRly max. 3 times(except for 1sec output) (1sec cycle : 0.5sec on/off)
After performing 4), on the state of keeping Lock STATE, and if Door Close, O_UnlockRly=on one time.
On the state of Key In1 =on when Unlock→Lock if L_DRVDRUnlockSW’s L_DRVDRSW is Close within 0.5sec, perform O_DRUnlockRly=on for 1sec once.
On the state of Key In1 =on when Unlock→Lock if L_ASTDRUnlockSW’s L_ASTDRSW is Close within 0.5sec, perform O_DRUnlockRly=on for 1sec once.
On the state of Key In1 =on when open→close if L_DRVDRSW’s is L_DRVDRUnlockSW Unlock→Lock Close within 0.5sec, perform O_DRUnlockRly=on for 1sec once.
On the state of Key In1 =on when open→close if L_ASTDRSW’s is L_ASTDRUnlockSW Unlock→Lock Close within 0.5sec, perform O_DRUnlockRly=on for 1sec once.
The judgment for Retry output is performed at the time Retry output is starting.
(After 1.5sec from the first O_DRUnlockRly=on)
After Unlock condition, and if the condition is not kept for 0.5sec, perform O_DRUnlockRly=on However, after L_DRVDRUnlockSW or L_ASTDRUnlockSW is meeting with the condition by Unlock→Lock and after 0.5sec, and if Key In=off do not perform O_DRUnlockRly=on

T1,T3 : 0.5±0.1 sec, T2 : 1±0.1 sec, T4 : 0.5 sec Max
Key In
On : L_KeyInSW On || A_IGN1 On || A_IGN2 On (Non SMK)
Off : L_KeyInSW Off & A_IGN1 Off & A_IGN2 Off (Non SMK)
Crash Door Unlock(=Impact Sensing Auto Door Unlock)
On the state of Key In1=On whenever L_CrashInput(PWM) is inputted, On O_DRUnlockRly [During O_DRUnlockRly output, ignore L_CrashInput signal(PWM) ]
But, from Key In1=On condition, if enter the Sleep mode, L_CrashInput should be ignored.
During O_DRUnlockRly output, even if Key In1 is On→Off, keep O_DRUnlockRly output
After O_DRUnlockRly output, if occurring L_DRVDRUnlockSW or L_ASTDRUnlockSW, L_RRDR (&TailGate)UnlockSW UNLOCK→LOCK, on O_DRUnlockRly=on for T2
On the state of CRASH DOOR UNLOCK, do not perform AUTO DOOR LOCK function.
CRASH DOOR UNLOCK function have precedence LOCK/UNLOCK controls in compliance with other function.
During CRASH DOOR UNLOCK function output and after output, ignore by the other function
But, if Key In1=Off perform the LOCK/UNLOCK controls in compliance with other function.
During L_CrashInput detected signal1(PWM) input, when Key In1=Off->On O_DRUnlockRly should be operated.
But, On the state of Key In1=Off àOn, if no L_CrashInput signal1(PWM) input, and then Key In1=Off->On do not perform O_DRUnlockRly.

T1 : Max 40 msec, T2 : 5±0.5 sec
L_CrashInput signal (PWM) : refer to below

Key In
On : L_KeyInSW On || A_IGN1 On || A_IGN2 On (Non-SMK)
Off : L_KeyInSW Off & A_IGN1 Off & A_IGN2 Off (Non-SMK)
Auto Door Lock(Speed Sensing Auto Door Lock)
Auto Door Lock is divide by Disable, Enable(15km/h) and Enable(40km/h) and the default value is Enable(15km/h).
Default value
Selection 1
Selection 2

On the state of A_IGN1=on, if keeping the vehicle speed as the setting vehicle speed in (1),
On O_DRLockRly=on output within T1. However, if all door is Lock state or all door is fail,
Do not perform O_DRLockRly=on output.
After O_DRLockRly=on output of (2), if one of door is unlock state, perform O_DRLockRly=on output Max.
3 times.(1sec cycle)
However, during outputting 3 times, if door is Unlock→Lock, ignore it.
After O_DRLockRly=on output, if the state is Unlock, treat the corresponding door as fail.
After door treated as fail is Unlock→Lock and if it becomes Unlock, Output O_DRLockRly=on once.
After O_DRLockRly=on output of (2), if door that the state was Lock becomes Unlock, Output O_DRLockRly=on once.
However, after O_DRLockRly=on output, even if keeping Unlock state, output O_DRLockRly=on for the corresponding door once.
If A_IGN1=off, clear door treated as fail.
On the condition of Crash Unlock, do not perform Auto Door Lock function.

T1: Max 1.5sec, T2: 0.5±0.1sec
Any door Unlock State :
On(=Any door Unlock)
: L_DRVDRUnlockSW=on || L_ASTDRUnlockSW=on || L_RR&TailGateUnlockSW=on
Off(=All door Lock)
: L_DRVDRUnlockSW=off & L_ASTDRUnlockSW=off & L_RR&TailGateUnlockSW=off
Auto Door Unlock by key out Condition
Auto Door Unlock is divided by Disable and Enable, and the default value is Enable.
Default Value

If setting as Enable, under condition of Any door lock, in condition of Key In1=On→Off On output of _DRUnlockRly
(However, if all unlock switch is unlock, not output.)

T1: 0.5±0.1sec
Key In
On : L_KeyInSW On || A_IGN1 On || A_IGN2 On (Non-SMK)
Off : L_KeyInSW Off & A_IGN1 Off & A_IGN2 Off (Non-SMK)
Any door lock State 2 :
On (=Any door lock)
: L_DRVDRUnlockSW=off || L_ASTDRUnlockSW=off || L_RRDR(&TailGate)UnlockSW=off
Off (=All door Unlock)
: L_DRVDRUnlockSW=on & L_ASTDRUnlockSW=on & L_RRDR(&TailGate)UnlockSW=on
Central Door Unlock Inhibition by Power Window Lock Switch
See the below Central Door Unlock Inhibition entry condition.
From All Door Close1 condition, in case of All Door Lock2 and O_HazardRly output on by Transmitter.
From Any Door Open2 after All Door Lock3 by Transmitter. In case of All Door Close1 and O_HazardRly output on condition
After Central Unlock output performed by Transmitter. In case of All Door Lock2 by 30sec timer
(Refer to Central Lock: "Central Door Lock/Unlock by Transmitter by 30sec timer spec")
Under the condition of Central Door Unlock Inhibition. If L_PwdwUnlockSW=off->on signal inputted ignore the this signal
(There is no O_DRUnlockRly=on output by L_PwdwUnlockSW=on)
Even if Central Door Unlock Inhibition, normally should be performed for below input signal
O_DRUnlockRly=on by L_DRVDRUnlockSW=off->on || L_ASTDRUnlockSW=off->on
O_DRLockRly=on by L_PwdwLockSW=off->on
See the below Central Door Unlock Inhibition status cancellation condition.
Any Door Unlock4 by Transmitter
Any Door Unlock4 by L_DRVDRUnlockSW=off->on || L_ASTDRUnlockSW=off->on ||
Key In=On4
All Door Close : L_DRVDRSW=Off & L_ASTDRSW=Off & L_RLDRSW=Off & L_RRDRSW=Off &
(L_TrunkSW=off || L_TailGateSW=off)
All Door Lock :L_DRVDRUnlockSW=off & L_ASTDRUnlockSW=off &
Any Door Unlock : L_DRVDRUnlockSW=on || L_ASTDRUnlockSW=on ||
Key In=on : L_KeyInSW On || A_IGN1 On || A_IGN2 On (Non SMK type)
A_ACC On || A_IGN1 On || A_IGN2 On
Two Turn Unlock
In case of NA variant, if the unlock request from mechanical key, RKE, or Passive Unlock is detected, 2 Turn unlock function is operated.
If unlock by mechanical key(C_DRVKeyUnlockSW = On) in driver side, Driver Door is unlock by mechanical and start 4 sec counting.
If receive the unlock request from RKE, or Passive Unlock in Driver Side at driver side, output only driver side door and start 4 sec counting.
Within 4sec, if the unlock request from mechanical key, Passive Unlock at driver side at driver side is detected, outputs all doors unlock.
Without 4sec, if the unlock request from mechanical key, Passive Unlock at driver side or RKE is detected, Driver door is only unlocked, again.
Even if within 4sec, if Driver Knob Switch status is changed unlock to lock, stop 4sec counting. In that state, if the unlock request from mechanical key, Passive Unlock at driver side is detected, Driver door only is unlocked.

T1 : Lock out time, T2 : Unlock out time, T4 : Two turn time
Auto Door Lock by Shift-Lever
Shift Lever Option : During ignition on and engine is running, and when all doors are closed and any door is unlocked, if the shift lever position is change P position to other position, all doors are locked.
Auto Door Unlock by Shift-Lever
Shift Lever Option : During ignition on and engine is running, and when all doors are closed and any door is locked, if the shift lever position is change other position to P position, all doors are unlocked.
Lamp Control
Tail Lamp Auto Cut (Battery Saver)
Upon input, control Tail Lamp.
Data Flow

Behavior For Normal State

C00: L_TailLampSW=on & Key In=off 1 // O_TailLampRly=on
L_TailLampSW=on & Key In=on 1 // O_TailLampRly=on & TailAutoCutEnable=on
C01: L_TailLampSW=off // O_TailLampRly=off & TailAutoCutEnable=off
C02: L_TailLampSW=off // TailAutoCut=off
C03: TailAutoCutEnable=on & Key In=off 1 & L_DRVDRSW=on
// O_TailLampRly=off & TailAutoCutEnable=off & TailAutoCut=on
C04: TailAutoCut=on & Key In=on 1
// O_TailLampRly=on & TailAutoCutEnable=on & TailAutoCut=off
Key In 1 :
On : L_KeyInSW=on || A_IGN1=on || A_IGN2=on
Off : L_KeyInSW=off & A_IGN1=off & A_IGN2=off
If Battery connect->disconnect on 3 type MODE [Tail Lamp on, Tail Lamp off, Auto Cut] above,Keep the previous Mode.
Delay Out Interior Lamp
On the state of A_IGN1=off if Any Door Open, Room Lamp is on, And if Any Door Close, Room lamp is off after 30sec delay.
Under Any Door Close, in case of A_IGN1=off & (Key In1 on→off), Room lamp is Off after 30sec delay.
Data Flow




TX Unlock

Behavior For Normal State

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    Hyundai Accent Manuals

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