Hyundai Accent Manuals

Hyundai Accent: Special Service Tools - General Information - Manual Transaxle System (M6CF1)Hyundai Accent: Special Service Tools

Special Service Tools

(Number and name)
09200-38001,3N000 (Beam)
09200-2S100 (Adapter)
09200-2S200 (Supporter)
Engine support assembly

Removal and installation of the transaxle.
Use assembling 09200-2S100 (Adapter) and 09200-2S200 (Supporter) on 09200-38001, 3N000(Beam).
Engine support fixture

Removal and installation of the transaxle.
Use this adapter (SST No. : 09200-2S100) with the supporter (SST No. : 09200-2S200).
※Permit operating with 09200-38001.
Engine support fixture

Removal and installation of the transaxle.
Use this beam (SST No. : 09200-38001/09200-3N000) with the supporter (SST No. : 09200-2S200).
Engine support fixture

Removal and installation of the transaxle.
Use this beam (SST No. : 09200-38001/09200-3N000) with the adapter (SST No. : 09200-2S100).

Lubricants and Sealant
Items Recommnend lubricant Quantity Transaxle gear oil SAE 75W/85 API GL-4 TGO-8 (MS517-14) 1.8 ~ 1.9L (0.48 ~ 0.50 ...

Manual Transaxle System

See also:

Side Impact Sensor 1. Disconnect the battery negative cable and wait for at least three minutes before beginning work. 2. Remove the d ...

1. Check the hub for cracks and the splines for wear. 2. Check the brake disc for scoring and damage. 3. C ...

Precautions For Catalytic Converter
If a large amount of unburned gasoline flows into the converter, it may overheat and create a fire hazard. To prevent this ...

Hyundai Accent Manuals

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